Monday, December 2, 2013

1.2 Training and Self-Defence

Hello again, Young HTBs!

Here, we will be looking at training and self defence. You can't be a hero without training of some kind! That would be stupid. It would be like running into an Formula 1 racetrack in your underwear. You'll die, simple as that. Training, it's not the hardest thing in the world. Any sort of self-defence training will suffice. Knowing human biology is also very helpful when it comes to self defence.

Oh, why is this important you ask? Well, if you are attacked you want to know how to defend yourself. You need to know how to protect yourself first before you learn how to protect others. If you have ever sat on an airplane and had to go through all the safety procedures just in case of a probable crash, then you have probably heard the whole 'attend to yourself before others' talk. If you can't help yourself, how are you supposed to help others?

The most appropriate thing to do is to take lessons. If you are really invested in the idea of becoming a superhero, it would be best to learn first hand and train with masters. I suggest things like Tae Kwon Do, Aikido, or classes specific to self-defence training. This is the best way to learn. If you already have a belt in Tae Kwon Do, or other similar styles, then good job you're about 3/4s of the way there! If you're a master, then I don't see why you're here because obviously you don't need training anymore.

Obviously, I know that not everyone has the time or the money to join these sorts of classes. There are other ways, of course. For example, make a friend who is good at Tae Kwon Do, and ask them to teach you some simple self-defence moves. Tell them you want to make sure if anyone tries to mug you, that you want to make sure you know what to do in that situation. If they're nice enough, they will help you. If not, then I'm sorry that friend is useless to you, go make another friend.

Here are some videos that demonstrate some simple self-defence techniques that you can practice with friends without having to pay for lessons! Of course, be careful, take caution, don't be stupid. Stupidity is useless on a superhero. Be sure to take these all with a grain of salt, don't get too anxious to try this out on a real person.

3 Street Fight Tips (one attacker):

Multiple Attackers Tips:

All of the above videos belong to their rightful owner, of course. I own none of it, and please don't hold me or the creator accountable for any mishaps that may happen during your practices.

To summarise for those who do not wish to read through it all: If you can, take self-defence lessons or train in Tae Kwon Do, Aikido, or something similar. Take care of yourself before others. A dead superhero is a useless superhero.

Stay solid, young ones!
- TM

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