Attitude? Why is that important, you may ask. Well, it is incredibly important. Nobody likes a bitter, mean spirited hero. Those are the kinds people would call, ahem, anti-heroes. They do good, but nobody actually likes them. That's sad, isn't it? Sure if you're a lone ranger, do what you want, but I know a lot of heroes who only joined in order to receive an applause from the crowd. To be honest, getting the crowd's cheer and applause is a nice thing, it makes you feel good and makes you feel appreciated rather than just forgotten despite all your hard work.
So, what type of attitude should you have as a hero?
- Friendly, Easily Approachable, Relatable.
- Let's face it, if you're cold hard and mean, nobody's going to want to talk to you. If you put yourself out as a nice guy/gal who's friendly and easy to approach, loads of people are going to want to talk to you. Superman was a nice guy, wasn't he? So can you.
- Kind, Warm-Hearted, Polite.
- People like nice people They want to be treated well by others, and you have to treat all the citizens of the city you protect well, or else they will not reciprocate any of those feelings.
- Charitable, Generous.
- People like seeing heroes do good deeds outside of just saving people from burning buildings. Using their fortune to help sick children? Come on, that's something they love. It's like being a celebrity, once you're up there and you do one charitable thing, the world thinks you're the loveliest person alive.
- Understanding.
- People like it if others understand their problems. It's nice. Sure, it's hard to think that maybe normal people have problems too, but at least you can pretend you understand or learn to understand it.
- Learn from your mistakes
- Can this really count as an attitude? Yes it can. If you're a hero that repeats the same mistakes over and over and over again, people will think you're stubborn and rock-headed and refuse to learn. If you do learn, people like to see improvement and people will see the greatness in you or something
Those are the 5 basic things, but of course there is more to it. Attitude is important. Sass is good to an extent, it's funny and people like a sassy hero, but too much and people will think you're a bit of an ass. Confidence, also good, but too much leads to arrogance. It's all about a balance between the personalities. Too much of anything can cause a problem, and you wouldn't want that.
Although Attitude may not seem like the most important trait in a hero, it is something that you should keep in mind if you want to be one of those heroes that everyone looks up to. Parents want good role models for their children, and children like cool heroes. So you have to balance the cool and the good, lest you want children to grow up like Batman.
Anyway, see you!
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